West Asia

Countries in West Asia
United Arab Emirates
White, black, red, green - the colors of West Asia, the largest in the Asian region, whose territory is divided between the 17 full and 4 partially recognized states. In sharp contrast, the color and the severity of straight lines - the distinctive features of the West Asian flags. Sharpness, rigor and integrity - no less symbolic quality of the national character. Kuwait and Oman, Jordan, Syria, Yemen and the Emirates, as if by agreement, they decided to capture in national panel of good and evil, the struggle and the victory of Islam. Dilute picture Turkey (and it is clear: almost Europe), a seemingly serene blue and white of Israel, multicolor Armenia and frivolous Cyprus flag on someone - the island-ship, rushing away on the white expanse of the Mediterranean.
An extrovert and introvert in one person, West Asia - both open and closed, and the tourist, "for his." On the one hand, it does not cease military conflicts, and the rulers downright amazing cruelty and tyranny on the other - here are those pillars of the spa industry as Turkey and UAE, and public policy in the field of tourism development and attracting foreign capital is a recognized model to follow.
So, what is interesting for Western Asia for the tourist? Let's start with remarkable kinship of souls. In Israel, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan feels well, absolutely at home: grind different "ekskyuzmi" there is no need, because the great and mighty here understand everything from small to large. Just kind of trembling in the fiery air Olives Mount Ararat or elegant silhouette will remind you of what you're abroad. Further, Western Asia has to offer tourist is not outstanding, but quite decent beach joy (and thus for the available money) - we are about Cyprus and Turkey, as well as a balanced combination of good sea and interesting "ekskursionki" - as in Israel, Jordan and the Emirates.
Finally, this destination number one in the segment of religious and pilgrimage tours: Israel round go the Jews, Christians and Muslims, and Saudi Arabia is the spiritual center for the followers of Islam around the world, managing over 10 days of Hajj to fulfill the annual "tourist" rate of other giants turproma .
As for natural attractions in West Asia, they can be described in one word - minimalism, which, however, the attentive traveler will feel all the wealth of the world. Whether lifeless expanse of the Dead Sea or the lunar landscape of Wadi Rum, the endless dunes of the Arabian desert or harsh-colored rock petroglyphs Gobustan Azerbaijan - all imbued with a strict beauty, majesty and eternity.
Those who prefer the delights of life, as opposed to asceticism and contemplation, Western Asia has prepared a pile of colorful Azerbaijani carpets and burning in the sun cuts of Lebanese silk, glitter gold jewelry Emirates and rumbling power of Georgian dances, sweetest Yemeni desserts and tart amber Armenian brandies, and more - blinding sun and the heat of the hearts of local residents, for which any visitor - the precious gift of life.
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