East Asia

Most edge of Eurasia, caressed by the waters of the Pacific, East Asia - a vivid example of how a small area can get on seemingly obvious opposites. That the Planning and socialist China, near Taiwan's economic miracles, and a bit further - the spiritual center of Tibet humanity, where ideas and communism, and capitalism decisively lose all value. That South Korea progressive and democratic, but North Korea - ideologically, collectivist and "right step, left step - execution." Here Mongolia steppe with infinite, leaving the horizon flat plains, shaggy horses and mare's milk, but the skyscrapers, artificial islands and subtly-puppet traditions of Japan. Primitive and Futurism, wildlife and scientific progress, conservatism and openness - all this awaits you in East Asia.
This amazing contrast - the first of what is to go to East Asia. Sitting in the restaurant on the ultramodern "dtsat" floor of a skyscraper in Ginza, it's hard to imagine that just a few hundred meters of the "paper" sliding doors traditional house under the roof ridge is slowly changing for centuries not measured life. And being in the demilitarized zone, it is difficult to realize that the sad events on the countries and peoples of the division still occur in today's seemingly progressive and spiritual world.
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