Our trip will begin with a picturesque place, the world of evergreen sequoias - the national nature reserve of Muir Woods.
At the beginning of the development of San Francisco, during the so-called "gold rush", it turned out that a red coast tree, or sequoia, can act as a good building material. In the early twentieth century, one of the local businessmen, William Kent, in his quest to preserve this natural wealth, bought a plot of land in 295 acres and presented it to the state. Three years later, Theodore Roosevelt gave the territory the status of the National Monument of Nature. And the name of the park is due to the famous fighter for the protection of the environment John Muir: so bequeathed to William Kent himself.
Then we will go to the valley of the river Napa, famous for its amazing mild climate. When we talk about Californian wines - we talk about it, about the Napa Valley, because there are numerous vineyards here and a fine dry wine is produced. We are sure to visit a few wineries and taste different wine varieties, cheeses and pies.