Guide Services at SeaWorld Orlando, $ 200, Orlando

$ 200
$ 200
We will provide escort services with a Russian-speaking guide around the SeaWorld park. "Kraken" and the recently built "Manta" are unforgettable high-speed roller coasters with many loops. "Journey to Atlantis" - a boat ride through the palace in Atlantis with a fall, when you don't expect it at all, from a steep multi-meter waterfall. The park has many aquariums with dolphins, penguins, fur seals, and sharks swimming right above your head and around you while you stand on a moving walkway. Ponds with fish, sharks, turtles, crocodiles and a pool with stingrays that you can touch with your hands. Stingrays, dolphins, fur seals... you can feed them by hand. It’s exciting and a little scary, which brings children into indescribable delight, and adults become children for a moment (food - shrimp and fish - can be purchased right there for a couple of dollars).

SeaWorld is very diverse in its multi-genre offerings. Here you can ask divers to get you pearls from the bottom, you can see pink flamingos, rare sea animals, climb a cable city at a height of a five-story building, witness performances of musical and circus artists on the streets of the park, “fly” by helicopter to the North Pole, take a walk across the “snow-covered” plain and watch the animals of the Arctic (polar bears, walruses, belugas...) in a two-tier aquarium, watch a 3D dome 360 degrees (screen in all directions) educational cartoon about a turtle. But the main feature of SeaWorld is its many shows. A theatrical show with ballet elements in the style of Cirque Du Soleil at the Nautilus Theater. A funny show called “Pets Ahoy”, where dogs, pigs, cats, ducks, chickens, chipmunks... scamper around the deck, performing various tricks as they go.

Killer whales (killer whales) are featured on the SeaWorld park logo. This is one of the most popular spectacles, held at the huge water stadium Shamu Stadium. In February 2010, a terrible tragedy occurred - right during the performance, a dolphinarium employee died as a result of an attack by the killer whale Tilly, whom she had been training for many years. The show was closed, but was soon resumed due to its popularity, but only without the trainers having contact with the killer whales.
A very dynamic show with dolphins. You can watch this show many times. These dolphins are so smart! They jump out, do somersaults forward and backward, fall with a roar and splashes on their backs and bellies, ride trainers on their backs, push and throw them several meters out of the water. A stormy performance plays out - the struggle between the forces of evil and good. Outlandish “birds” (circus acrobats) “fly” over the water stadium, music escalates the atmosphere, a huge eagle flies over the heads of the audience... But still, good wins.

Tickets cost $89. Starting from March-April, the park sells tickets with the right to visit until the end of the year at the price of a one-time ticket.
Not far from SeaWorld is the Aquatica water park (also operated by SeaWorld Entertainment) with large pools and a sandy beach, sun loungers and sea waves that turn on every 15 minutes. Original slides where you can ride both with and without balloons, both alone and in a group. Race on mats from crazy heights in a race with friends - first in the tube and with the open part below. Ride on a slow river, or better yet near the beach - on an endless fast (Rapid River) river with or without a vest. Aquatica even has a water slide where you slide in a tube through an aquarium with a rare species of miniature, about 1 meter, dolphins, which mostly swim with their belly up (this is more convenient for them to hunt in nature).
The cost of the guide service is indicated for 5 hours.
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Private 1-3 per.
$ 650
Private 4-6 pers.
$ 750
Private 7-10 pers.
$ 850
Стоимость предусматривает сопровождение продолжительностью до 5 часов. 
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