About work and training

туристический бизнес по всему миру
We invite you to join the development team of the international project “EARN AND TRAVEL”!

After registration, you will be able to choose in which agent status you want to earn:
1. Independent travel agent (free membership, free training, sales department, mentor manager) at the exit of 30% of the transaction profit.
2. Travel agent/Partner ($50 per month membership, free training, sales department, mentor manager) at the exit of 50% of the profit of the transaction.
3. Manager ($500 membership, free training, sales department, you are an independent manager) the output is 80% of the transaction profit, 30% from your team of agents/partners)
1. The agent will get access to a turn-key platform with access to a constantly updated database of tourist services worldwide: packaged tours, guided tours, cruises, resorts, hotels, events tickets, and other services.
2. The agent will be allowed to use the brand name, licenses, and accreditation of the Universe Travel & Business. The above will be applicable for use in connection with the platform (company site) as well as independently.
3. The agent will be able to benefit from the support provided by the Company sales, customer support, and marketing departments.
4. The agent will be provided with the access to the personal profile with the tools required for business. The tools include - a personalized interface, database management tools, tools for financial control and education.
5. The agent will be provided with a marketing plan and an application to monitor and account for own commission and dividends from the team sales.
6. The agent will have access to the platform to register other agents as their team members to be eligible for the dividends from the team sales.
7. The agent will be entitled to register their clients and to maintain their client's database with the expectation that the above clients will make an order using the company site of the sales department.
8. The agent will be entitled to a commission from sales to their clients.
9. The agent will be able to assist their customers to select packaged tours, tourist services, guided tours, cruises, tickets to events, hotels, resorts etc.

1. Booking system.
2. Invoice management system.
3. Tools to support requests for packaged tours, guided tours, cruises, resorts etc. 
4. Financial monitoring system.
5. Advertising analysis page.
6. Client and agents database.
7. Personal code and ID for referral links.
8. A personal landing page which includes contact details, information about your structure, your photo, logo, personalized content as well as with other services you wish to promote.
9. Chat room and communication system for agents and clients.
10. Opportunity to promote your services using the Company site, as well as your landing page.
11. Marketing collateral incl promotional texts, banners and video materials with integrated personal code for referral links.
12. Opportunity to create scripts (with integrated personal code for referral links) for any service advertised on the Company platform for promotion on other sites.
13. Opportunity to register other tourist agencies and vendors on the Company platform. .

1. Video and audio education materials
2. In person education in the training centers (the training centers network is growing).
3. Webinars.
4. Off-site training, trade shows, cruise ship, and resorts inspections, FAM tours, etc.
5. One or more personal mentor
6. Education modules provided by the Company, partners, and suppliers.
7. Training on the job.
1. Opportunity to develop a career from a side income level to a significant income level.
2. Opportunity to increase your commission from 25% to 90%.
3. Opportunity to increase your dividends from 10% to 50%.
4. Three career options - as an agent, as a tourist agent or to develop a business center.
5. Career progression from an agent to a director or investor.
6. Possibility to be recognized and to receive awards, diplomas, certificates, titles, and status.
7. Opportunity to obtain an ID Card  IATA / IATAN certification.

1. Immediate opportunity to select the max percentage from the sales.
2. Easy income from direct sales of tourist services of membership.
3. Commission from your client's orders.
4. Repeat purchases by your clients.
5. Opportunity to receive dividends from your team sales
6. Unlimited income from your direct sales and dividends from your team sales.
7. The absence of limits on geographical areas for sales or size of your team.
8. Opportunity to work on remote, even on the move.
9. Flexible working hours
10. Working in a team!

1. Working with people, education, deals, meetings, negotiations, off-sites – all of these is at your disposal to demonstrate your abilities, talents, leadership, and creativity.
2. This business provides an opportunity to be successful, to gain recognition of your colleagues and clients.
3. While creating your business from scratch, you will have the opportunity to connect with like-minded people to build and strengthen your friendship. The true friendship is the foundation of your stable and successful business!


1. Bonus programs, incentive tours.
2. Participation in promotional FAM tours.
3. Cumulative bonus program for work and travel.
4. Refunds up to 80% of profits for your purchases and travel.
5. Professional discounts for tourism workers up to 100%.
6. Upgrade to better conditions when boarding a plane or cruise or hotel.
7. Knowledge and tools for work enable the best choice of travel services and prices for yourself.
Don't miss the opportunity to develop together. Join the team right now!


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